Please read the official rules of Political Quasar before going off to post.
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The Political Quasar Staff are volunteers and have the final word. Do not publicly argue or criticize them. If you have an issue or feel that you have been unfairly treated, contact an Administrator by Private Message or stick it in the Flame Wars section.
Note: Administrators and Moderators are not allowed to suspend or ban anyone for no reason i.e. because they feel like it. The same goes for locking threads.
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Posts should only be related to the board you are posting them on (i.e. posting about movies in the Movies Forum). If an Administrator or Moderator feel it is best on a different board, it will be moved. The Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to edit posts due to size, topic, or misleading titles and there are also certain requirements for each post in certain forums:
--Article based Threads: Articles posted to start a topic must have a link source and an opinion from the original poster (OP), otherwise it will be locked. Opinions present an obvious stance with respect to the article and are not unarguable opinions like, "This is interesting." The opinion should create a solid basis for debate.
--Thread titles: Thread titles posted in all caps will be locked, as it is highly irritating.
--Duplicate threads: Do not post two topics on the same subject matter.
--Avatar Size: At max, avatars can be 150 x 200 pixels.
--Signatures: At max, signatures can have 300 characters.
--"Offensive" posts: Some users may be "offended" by what a certain poster may write in their post. However, threads will not be edited, locked, or deleted simply because of a few people being offended.
Trolling is the name for having an arguement that involves name-calling and such and will be moved to either the Flame Wars or left in its original forum. Trolling is acceptable at a certain level here, but if there's nothing but trolling for more than 2 pages, it will be moved or deleted. Know that constantly calling people names and being childish won't get anything accomplished.
Racist Posts
Any posts that have racist rhetoric (such as calling for the death of all blacks) will either be sent directly to the Flame Wars forum or left in its original forum. However, if a poster adds nothing to the forum but racist posts, they will be warned, then suspended, then banned. People have no control over their race or skin color, and while people do have the right to be racist, no one has to like them for it, so I encourage everyone to be respectful.
Spam posts are posts that include promoting useless items (ex: free ringtones or free porn) and making several links in those posts relating to spam. Spam posts will be deleted if they are found and the spammer will be warned or banned from the site.
Online Threats
As heated and as long as debates can be, there are instances where posters may result to threatening other posters for disagreeing with them. Threatening others over the internet in here will not be tolerated and you will be warned, suspended, or banned if you do it. Internet threats also make the poster seem childish: you're not big and bad, you're not scary, and you're not hardcore. No one is afraid of you.
The Warning System
If any poster violates the rules, they will be given a warning and if they continue to violate the rules after three warnings, they will be suspended for a week. If it continues, they will receive another three warnings and suspension will be up to two weeks. If it still persists, another three warnings will be given and this time they will be suspended for three weeks. After that, the poster(s) will be banned from the site for a given period of time.